My son, our little 2 year old, our wee kind spirited little man..... does not want my kisses, hugs and love. I knew this stage would come, at what, like age 7? Not this soon. . If anyone knows me, knows that I am a ball of mush. An emotional affectionate person who tells everyone dear to her that she loves them. This whole "No Mommy" business sucks big time. Not to be dramatic, but I thought being a Mom would be hard, but not this hard. I just want to love the crap out of him all. of. the. time. . So I have boundaries and keep my cool. And cherish those kisses before bed or moments when he needs an extra snug oh so dear. Let him be independent and grow. . And keep question myself, if I'm doing this whole thing right? Do you just want to love hard on your children? . www.ScaleAndTailor.com (link in bio) @ScaleAndTailor BLOG @ScaleAndTailorDESIGNS @ScaleAndTailorPHOTOGRAPHY .
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