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Charcuterie Cones | How To Make Charcuterie Cones | DIY Charcuterie Cones

With the world how it is today, having individual appetizers, is all the rage. I've concentrated my recipes around handheld appetizers to make holiday parties a breeze and these Charcuterie Cones do just that. How to make charcuterie cones? Stay tuned as I show you exactly how to make your very own DIY Charcuterie Cones.

Making your very own charcuterie cones is a breeze. No need to go out and spend an arm and a leg when these DIY Charcuterie Cones you can make with your own wrapping paper for any occasion.


Wrapping Paper

A Large Plate





  1. First, trace your DIY Charcuterie Cones by placing your plate upside down and trace with a pencil. Cut out your stencil, leaving you with a large circle pattern.

  2. Mark the middle of your circle and cut a straight line to that middle mark. This lets you overlap the paper and begin to form into a charcuterie cone. Keep rolling it inside itself until you have the desired thickness. Depending on how much you have to stuff your DIY charcuterie cones with, you can easily adjust their size.

  3. Secure your charcuterie with tape. With the scrap leftover paper, scrunch up and place inside the cones. This helps fill the bottom and also keeps your items secure within.

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Charcuterie Cones. How to make charcuterie cones. DIY Charcuterie Cones

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