Valentines Day is filling our household with L O V E. If you know me, you know I celebrate almost any occasion I can. A lovey dovey one at that? COUNT ME IN. Here is a fun take on Valentines day breakfast with these pink pancakes staked high and topped with a strawberry heart.

Ingredients: - Pancake Mix
- Pink or Red food coloring
- Strawberries
- Screwers
Directions: 1. Make pancake batter as directed on the box. Add a few drops of pink or red food coloring. 2. Using a large spoon full, drop into a buttered frying pan. Note if you want them all the same size, your the same amount on your spoon. Once all cooked. Stack pancakes (largest at the bottom to smallest at top)
3. Cut strawberries in half length wise. Then cut a small triangle shape at the top of each strawberry half, creating a heart. Put through screwer and top your pancake.
4. Top with your favorite syrup and DEVOUR.

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