I'm K A R A and I am She/Her Who G R I L L S
I am powerful. I am talented. I am beautiful. I will never apologize for the woman I have grown to love so much. She's one Bad Bish. If you were to tell me one year ago that I would be slaying in a male-dominated BBQ industry.... well I wouldn't have believed you. This fire within me - a passion so strong that no one could put that flame out. Before you go doubt yourself - TRY IT! You can do absolutely ANYTHING you put your mind to. Trust me, girl.
and I am so proud of the women that I surround myself with. We fix each other's crowns (or grill grates) without even letting the world know they were crooked #InternationalWomensDay #LadyGrillers
#WomensDay #WomenEmpoweringWomen #SheHer #GirlsWhoGrill #WomenSupportingWomen #InternationalWomensDay2021 #BBQ #BBQCanada #BBQLife #BBQFamily #BBQLover #BBQTime #InstaBarbecue #Grillen #InstaBBQ #BBQer #BBQInfluencer #FoodInfluencer #GrillMaster #Pitmaster #BackyardChef #BBQFood #Toronto #Ontario #Canada #WhoRunTheWorldGirls
Celebrate women’s day you are a very talented and beautiful woman... with and outstanding smile!